AI may facilitate personalized breast cancer treatment
By Erick L. Ridley, Auntminnie Stuff Writer
Artificial intelligence (AI) may create new opportunities to improve outcomes for breast cancer patients via treatments that can be adapted based on patient response, as well as targeted therapies based on radiomic and pathomic analysis, according to an article published online August 22 in the Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences.
Quantitative Dynamic MRI Shows Promise for Children with Thoracic Insufficiency Syndrome
By Nick Kelenske
AI-powered technique may apply to wider population of respiratory ailments
A quantitative dynamic MRI (QdMRI) method shows promise for treating children with Thoracic Insufficiency Syndrome (TIS), a rare, potentially lethal disease of the spine that prohibits the thorax from supporting normal breathing or lung growth, according to new Radiology research.
VIDEO: Artificial Intelligence Automatic Contouring and Segmentation for Radiotherapy
Mirada DLC Expert deep learning software automatically identifies organs, segments and auto-contours them as the first step in creating radiation oncology treatment plans. This example of a segmented prostate computed tomography (CT) scan being used to plan radiotherapy was created without any human intervention. It was demonstrated at the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) 2019 meeting.